Archive for ‘Health reform resources’


The Steward Group presents Verity Reports: news & analysis for medical professionals and patient advocates

VER·I·TY (verə tē).  That which is true; a true assertion or tenet; a truth; a reality.

Our mission. Verity Reports cuts through partisan politics and professional territoriality with insights on current issues that are critical to the medical and patient advocacy communities.

Why Verity Reports? We were very thoughtful in selecting a name for The Steward Group’s news analysis publication.  Verity means truth.  Truth is what The Steward Group is all about.  Our work in based on a sincere desire to help our clients find solutions to some of their most difficult organizational problems.  We’ve helped our clients to identify the needs of the people they are serving,  educate the policymakers about their organization’s  mission,  identify methods to finance the operations of their organizations, and build a strong and committed staff.

Learn more about The Colette  Steward Group.

Health reform resources (Part 1)

This post begins a series in which we list some of the best online resources to understanding the US health reform program.  The list will be updated as we come across new sources. We begin with a link to the full health reform bill.

Link to the full The Patient Protection and Affordable Health Care Act of 2010. Totaling 974 pages, this piece of legislation brings together old and new ideas about how to manage the cost of public financed health care and monitor the quality of patient care.

Link to the Patient Bill of Rights. Built on many of the principles contained in the McCain-Edwards-Kennedy bipartisan Senate patient bill of rights legislation, this version establishes the foundation for today’s health reform program.

Link to  details for the Pre-existing Condition Insurance Plan. In July 2010, 23 states began accepting applications from people who have pre-existing conditions and  have not been insured during the previous six months.